What is Accounting Equation 您所在的位置:网站首页 explanation meaning in hindi What is Accounting Equation

What is Accounting Equation

2022-12-15 23:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Examples of Transactions cover in this video:

The Transactions Related to Capital:

1. Started business with cash Rs 10,00,000.

2. Introduce capital into business Rs 15,00,000.

3. Commence business with cash Rs 20,00,000.

4.Started business with cash Rs 1,00,000, Bank balance Rs 10,00,000 and Building Rs 25,00,000.

5. Introduced capital into business Rs 20,00,000, Furniture Rs 5,00,000 and Plant & Machinery Rs 15,00,000.

6. Commence business with cash Rs 5,00,000 bank balance Rs 15,00,000 Computer Rs 10,00,000, Building Rs 30,00,000 Furniture Rs 5,00,000 and Goods Rs 25,00,000. The Transactions Related to


1. Withdrawal Cash for personal use Rs 10,000.

2. Paid owner’s house rent from business cash Rs. 20,000.

3. Paid Household expenses of owner Rs. 15,000.

4. Paid owner’s daughter’s college fee of Rs 65,000.

5. Owner’s son’s marriage expenses paid by cheque Rs 2,35,000.

6. Owner withdrawal goods from the business for personal use Rs 20,000.

7. Owner withdrawal laptop from the business for personal use Rs 30,000.

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